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Costs — Funding


Tuition fees and funding for the 24-25 State Diploma for Drama Teachers training course

Application Fees

Application fees: €70, cheque payable to Trésor Public, cashed on receipt of application.

Fees cannot be returned and remain with the school.

Full-Time Programme Tuition Fees

Total cost incl. VAT: €600, cheque cashed at the start of the course.

Continuing Education Programme Tuition Fees

Total cost (incl. VAT): €6,800

Individualised course* cost per teaching module:

  • UE 1 Pedagogy and knowledge of audiences (90 h): €1,530
  • UE 2 : Foundations and development of acting (90 h): €1,530
  • UE 3 : Repertory knowledge, acting and dramaturgy (60 h): €1,020
  • UE 4 : Transmission of knowledge, educational practice of acting (130 h): €2,210
  • UE 5 : Approach to the theatre’s professional and local environment: €510

* Exemptions may be granted for UE3 and UE5.

Continuing Education Funding

Continuing education falls within the scope of vocational training and the right to lifelong learning. As such, it can be financed under a number of different schemes, depending on each individual’s status and professional situation. It is up to the applicant to take the necessary steps to obtain financial support from the various bodies and organisations that contribute to the cost of professional training, depending on their status.

Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF)

See my training rights on my training account website.

Entertainment temporary worker 

Contact the AFDAS, OPCO for the cultural sector.

The application form is available to download and a private individual services advisor may help you with the process. The application should be submitted at least 4 weeks before the start of the course.

Employees on fixed-term or indefinite-term contracts

Employer-initiated: company training plan (PFE)

Employee-initiated Transition pro: career change for private-sector employees.

AFDAS: company services, costs may be covered if the company is a member.

CPF: personal training account

Job seeker

  • France Travail: contact your advisor to find out how the costs may be covered
  • Regional council: to qualify for regional funding, you must be supported in your job search by a public body.
  • AFDAS: costs may be covered if the company is a member 
  • CPF: personal training account

Local civil servant

The local authority, your employer, manages and pay for the training course.

Contact your department head and the Human Resources Department.

Uniformation (OPCO for social cohesion)

If your employer contributes to this OPCO, contact Uniformation

Application to be submitted between 2 and 4 months before the start of the course.

Self-employed worker

FIFPL, FONGECIF, AGEFICE for self-employed workers or those working for a private company

People with disabilities

AGEFIPH: Financial support for vocational training | 0 800 11 10 09 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Applicants admitted to the entrance exam are invited to enquire as soon as possible about the financial aspects of their training.

The PSPBB/ESAD undertakes to provide the applicant with all the necessary administrative documents as soon as they have been admitted to the entrance exam (estimate, calendar, training programme).

State Diploma for Drama Teachers (DE professeur de Théâtre) course contact person — Cléo Jacque : | +33 (0)1 72 63 48 18

Le PSPBB/ESAD répond aux exigences du Référentiel National Qualité. Il est certifié Qualiopi.

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