As a public institution for cultural cooperation, the PSPBB is administered by a Board of Directors and its President.
It is headed by a director, assisted by an educational council which is consulted on all matters relating to the institution’s cultural, scientific and educational activities. The territorial social committee is the public institution’s social dialogue body. An improvement council will shortly be set up, it will be specific body designed to participate in the self-assessment and improvement of the PSPBB’s operations as a higher education institution.
The EPCC is administered by a Board of Directors and its President.
The Board of Directors deliberates on the general orientations of the institution’s policy, general study regulations and internal regulations, budget, creation of jobs, financial records, rates, general conditions for the awarding of contracts, agreements and contracts, transactions, legal actions, etc.
See the list of elected representatives on the Board of Directors
The Conseil pédagogique (CP) is consulted on all matters relating to the school’s cultural, scientific and educational activities..
See the list of elected representatives on the Conseil pédagogique
The Comité social territorial (CST) is a consultative body through which local employees exercise their right to participate. As a body for representation and social dialogue, the CST must be consulted on collective issues, in particular on projects relating to the operation and organisation of departments, strategic human resources guidelines, equal opportunity and anti-discrimination policies, and physical and mental health protection.
See the CST representatives
To contact CST representatives:
See the CST internal regulations
The Conseil de perfectionnement is a forum for discussion and recommendations, bringing together the internal and external stakeholders involved in a course. Its role is to identify potential ways of improving the quality of a curriculum, to encourage its alignment with graduates’ future employment and the challenges facing society, and to highlight the cross-disciplinary and professional skills that a course of study prepares students for.