The PSPBB is developing an artistic and educational project that emphasises the complementary nature of its training courses, paving the way for an outstanding professional career in a rich cultural landscape.
See the music department
The jazz dance track at the PSPBB trains versatile, competent dancers who are adapted to the realities of the professional context thanks to regular multidisciplinary teaching (jazz, modern, classical and contemporary dance, tap, drama, singing, hip-hop, etc.) supplemented by workshops, master classes and cross-disciplinary artistic projects.
See the dance department
Welcome to the Pôle supérieur d'enseignement artistique Paris - Boulogne-Billancourt (PSPBB), a higher education institution for the performing arts, music, dance and drama.
Find all the information you need about school and student life (scholarships, bursaries, health, student office) at the PSPBB.
The PSPBB’s international activities take several forms: mobility of students, teachers and administrative staff, educational and artistic projects, targeted cooperation between classes, participation in professional networks, and sharing of expertise.
Find all the information you need to apply and prepare for the PSPBB entrance exams, depending on your choice of dance, music or drama course.
Les listes des morceaux imposés pour les DNSPM Musiques classiques à contemporaines et Musique ancienne sont disponibles.
La liste des morceaux imposés pour le DNSPM Musiques actuelles amplifiées (MAA) est disponible.
Les concours d'entrée 2025 pour le Diplôme national supérieur professionnel de musicien (DNSPM) et le Diplôme d'État (DE) sont ouverts jusqu'au 16 janvier 2025.
La date limite pour les candidats souhaitant venir au PSPBB en 2025-2026 et soumis à la DAP (demande d'admission préalable) est le 15 décembre 2024.
National Higher Professional Diploma in Music (Diplôme national supérieur professionnel de musicien – DNSPM) and State Diploma for Music Teachers (Diplôme d’État de professeur de musique – DE)
Applications for the 2025 PSPBB/ESAD entrance exam are open until 6 December 2024.