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Going abroad


If you would like to apply to study abroad

Partir à l'étranger © Nicolas du Pasquier
© Nicolas du Pasquier


If you would like to apply to study abroad, please complete the pre-application form 


This action is carried out with the financial support of the European Commission.


Study stay

Who can leave?

All students in their second or third year who are up to date with their studies for long-term mobility, and those in their first year exclusively for short-term term hybrid mobility as part of PSPBB projects.

How long does it last?

It is possible to spend between three months and an academic year abroad in the second year. In the third year, mobility is only possible in the first semester.

Plan your departure and define your project

Ideally, a stay abroad should be planned as soon as the student is admitted to the PSPBB: the choice of destination, language preparation, budget and logistics are all areas that need to be anticipated.

Where to get information? Whom to contact?

There are several ways to obtain more information:

  • Attend information sessions: at the start of the academic year for first-year students, as well as specific meetings organised in November and December of each year for students interested in or already planning a stay abroad;
  • Seek advice from your homeroom teacher and educational advisor (teacher in charge of the course, department head);
  • Contact the head of international relations at, who will provide each applicant with personalised support in building their project and taking the necessary steps. 

Visit the websites of higher arts education institutions abroad:

student mobility outside erasmus+

Exchanges outside Erasmus +

Some stays abroad are part of bilateral partnerships between the PSPBB and institutions outside the countries associated with the Erasmus+ programmes. 

For exchanges to third countries not associated with the Erasmus+ programme, students must follow the same procedure as for Erasmus+ mobility. 

If the desired institution is not on the PSPBB’s list of partners, a prior request must be sent to the head of international relations, so that the possibility of concluding a partnership agreement can be studied. In the event of a positive response to an agreement in principle, they will inform the student of the steps to be taken to submit their application.

Exchange programme application

Find out how to prepare and submit an application for a stay abroad

Financial support

Erasmus student scholarship

The Erasmus student grant comes from European Commission funds and is calculated by the PSPBB on a monthly basis established by the Erasmus+ Programme Guide within the budget allocated each year to the PSPBB by the Erasmus + France / Éducation Formation national agency.  

The grant is paid to selected Erasmus mobility students in two instalments:

Payment of 80% of the total amount within 30 days of signing the mobility contract and/or receipt of the arrival certificate   

Download the arrival certificate – ERASMUS

Payment of the remaining 20% at the end of the mobility period after validation of the Erasmus+ report and receipt of the required supporting documents 

Download the 2024-2025 end-of-stay certificate

At the end of their Erasmus+ stay, and before the second payment is made, the student must provide the supporting documents required in their Erasmus contract and by the PSPBB, failing which the full amount of the grant will have to be reimbursed to the PSPBB. Similarly, if the stay is cancelled or reduced to a period of less than 3 months, all grants paid to the student must be returned.

Under the ERASMUS 2023 grant agreement, applicable to the 2023-2024 mobility programme, students receive a grant, the amounts of which are detailed in decree no. 2023-599.

View the table of rates applied by the PSPBB in 2024/2025, by country group 

Please note that it is possible that not all students going on an Erasmus+ stay will receive an Erasmus grant. The PSPBB reserves the right to make a transparent selection or to decide to make certain students partial recipients. This option would only apply if the Erasmus financial aid allocated to the PSPBB were insufficient to offer a full grant to all exchange students, or in the case of mobility to countries not associated with the programme. The PSPBB’s priority is to provide financial support to all those involved in international mobility. Nevertheless, people in financial difficulty are given priority. 

Erasmus+ supports people in situations of inclusion

See the Erasmus+ Inclusion Guide to find out about all the criteria designed to promote diversity, inclusion and equal opportunities for participants in the Erasmus programme. Additional packages will be awarded to eligible participants.

Specific measures for people with disabilities

Additional support is available for all people with disabilities benefiting from Erasmus+ mobility. To apply, contact the school’s Department of International Relations (SRI).

These benefits, which supplement the “standard” grant, take a number of parameters into account. A range of expenses related to the student’s specific needs are therefore covered on the basis of actual costs estimated by the French institution. This additional funding can cover: the remuneration of an assistant (day or night), a caregiver and medical follow-up; additional costs linked to specific accommodation, transport, teaching or other materials.

The request and costs must be justified. A form must be completed and supporting documents (estimates, invoices) requested must be submitted before departure. In addition, the school must check that the student has been properly accommodated. The Department of International Relations and your academic supervisor will be happy to help you with these procedures.

For this additional cover to be accepted, the request must be made at least 1 month before the date of departure.

ERASMUS+ encourages eco-friendly travel

Additional packages are awarded to programme participants who use eco-friendly transport for the majority of their journey. 

Additional days covered by the Erasmus+ grant can be added to the mobility period for longer trips.

German-French Youth Office (OFAJ) “Study stay in artistic programme” scholarships

The Franco-German Youth Office (OFAJ) offers an international mobility scholarships to students in higher arts education who wish to study in Germany. Only one scholarship is awarded per institution and per academic semester. It can be combined with Erasmus+ and CROUS grants.

The scholarship application to the OFAJ is submitted by the PSPBB after studying the situation of each potentially eligible applicant according to OFAJ criteria. This aid consists of a grant of €300 per month and a lump sum for travel expenses.

AMI (International Mobility Support) from the French Ministry of Culture (AMI)

The French Ministry of Culture provides financial support to students from higher arts education institutions under the authority of the Ministry of Culture who are planning to study abroad on a short-term basis. 

This aid amounts to €400 per month for students on scholarship, and €158 per month for other students going to countries where the cost of living is high. The allocation of this aid is decided by the committee within the limits of the amount allocated to the PSPBB.

Process and validation of mobility

Language preparation Online language support (EU Academy)

The European Union has set up an online language learning platform. Students can take part in a language preparation programme before and during their Erasmus+ stay: EU Academy.

Thanks to the Erasmus grant, the PSPBB offers its students going abroad the opportunity to cover the cost of acquiring a method of learning the language of their host country or the working language of the host institution. For more information, contact the Department of International Relations. 

Academic recognition of mobility

Academic recognition is ensured through the ECTS credit system and the drafting of a “learning agreement” in line with the student’s programme at PSPBB and the partner university concerned. As long as you have passed all the subjects and have earned all the credits required, you will not have to sit the exams again in France. International mobility is mentioned in the student’s diploma supplement.

Administrative procedures and useful links

The head of international relations guides candidates through the administrative procedures involved in international mobility and obtaining financial support.

Useful links:

Teacher mobility

PSPBB teachers are eligible for mobility under the Erasmus+ programme or the agreement between the PSPBB and the Montréal University’s Faculty of Music. 

Erasmus +

Under Erasmus+, expenses are covered on a fixed-rate basis, the details of which are given in the mobility application form (coming soon).

The mobility application form for teachers should be submitted to the head of international relations. The PSPBB will consider applications on the basis of the project quality, whether or not it is part of an exchange dynamic, whether or not there is a partnership, and the funding possibilities available from the European agency. 

Download the amount of living expenses packages for 2024/2025

Download the travel costs packages for 2024/2025 

Only the outward trip is taken into account in calculating the distance, but the corresponding rate covers the cost of the round trip.

The European Commission provides a distance calculator that enables declared distances to be assessed in the same way.