The Master in Research and Practice, string orchestra practice option, awards a Master’s degree that is unique in France.
Important note: for the complementary application phase: people wishing to apply for this course, but who were not able to do so during the main phase before the deadline, will be able to submit their application on the platform during the complementary phase, which will take place from 17 to 23 June.
However, due to the limited number of places available for this course, those wishing to apply during the complementary phase must contact the PSPBB by e-mail at before 18 April 2025.
The applicants must meet the requirements for university enrolment at baccalaureate + 3 (years) level: Bachelor's degree from a French university or equivalent foreign university diploma, or other diplomas subject to approval by a validation of prior learning commission (French and foreign music diplomas at Bachelor's level, state diploma, teaching certificate, etc.). A similar musical level is required: DNSPM, or equivalent, for example Bachelor of music, etc.
This Master’s degree is open to musicians (string players: violin, alto, cello, double bass) of all nationalities, with no age limit, provided that they pass the entrance exam. The admission process includes:
The applicants must submit an application including:*
The applications must be submitted on the platform.
To best prepare, the applicants are invited to send an e-mail to Muriel Boulan and Claude Georgel (PSPBB Director)
The applicants play a piece related to their research project, lasting approximately 30 minutes, from which the jury selects a 15-minute excerpt:
For concertante pieces, applicants may be accompanied by a person of their choice. Otherwise, an accompanist will be available – no rehearsal possible.
The audition will be followed by a 15-minute interview with the jury, during which the applicant's motivation, musical culture, professional project and research project will be assessed.
The jury is made up of teacher-researchers from the Music and Musicology UFR, PSPBB representatives, and invited specialists. It will also benefit from the expertise of private lessons teachers (instrument) present or represented at the audition.
Audition dates: to be specified (between mid-April and 28 May 2025)
Information from the course supervisors: contact Muriel Boulan or Claude Georgel (PSPBB Director)
All applicants must complete an administrative pre-application on the national platform. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any doubts or problems.
Foreign applicants from within and outside the European Union will have to complete the validation procedures required for their enrolment at the university. It is also mandatory to have a good understanding of the French language. Please review these important procedures carefully and follow those that apply to you.
Applicants of all nationalities already living in France must enrol on the national platform.
Following the selection process, the successful applicants will be given information and guidance on the administrative procedures to be followed.
Pre-selection — Audition and interview with the jury
Shortlisted applicants will be invited to an audition and interview with the jury, which will take place between mid-April and 28 May 2025.
Acceptance notice
Admitted applicants will receive a Master’s acceptance notice, which they will have to confirm on the platform.
Admission tests
The tests will take place from 19 to 21 May 2025.
Applicants receive a summon to attend the tests and are informed by e-mail of all the practical details.
The entrance programme and orchestral excerpts are available below (under “Documents to download”).
Location: to be announced
Download the documents:
Entrance exam information: | +33 (0)1 40 55 16 64
Pôle supérieur d'enseignement artistique Paris — Boulogne-Billancourt (PSPBB)
Administration: 18 rue Janssen 75019 Paris
Head office: 14 rue de Madrid 75008 Paris