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State Diploma for Music Teachers course

The PSPBB offers teacher training in conjunction with the DNSPM, leading to the State Diploma (DE) for Music Teachers.

DE — Diplôme d’État de professeur de musique  © Jean-Michel Fotofosu
© Jean-Michel Fotofosu

This joint DNSPM/DE course begins in semester 1 of the initial course and ends in semester 6, at the same time as the DNSPM and Bachelor’s degree.

Comprehensive, optimum training

  • It is very rich in terms of training content, with a strong pedagogical component, but it also preserves the time needed for students to develop their artistic and technical potential.
  • It is essential for their professional integration and responds to their legitimate concerns in terms of career opportunities: teaching in specialised structures or association schools represents a large part, and for some disciplines an even essential part, of their activity.
  • It responds to the spirit of the reform initiated and led by the Ministry of Culture, enabling students to obtain 3 national diplomas within the same structure: the DNSPM, the Bachelor’s degree of Music and the DE. 
  • It is in line with the logic of bringing together training courses leading to teaching and interpreting.

Organisation/course content  

 Documents to download (coming soon)

  • Order of 05 May 2011 relating to the State Diploma for Music Teachers. 
  • Decree of 28 April 2011 relating to the State Diploma for Music Teachers. 
  • Annexes to the Order of 29 July 2016 — professional activities and certification reference framework
  • Charter for specialised artistic education in dance, music and drama 
  • National scheme of educational guidelines for initial music teaching (2023) 

The State Diploma applies to the following disciplines: 

  • Ensemble conducting, instrumental and vocal* options

    *subject to accreditation being obtained in spring 2025

  • Instrumental or vocal teaching, in the four fields of Classical to Contemporary Music, Early Music, Jazz and Improvised Music, Contemporary Amplified Music
  • Musical training
  • Accompaniment, music option