Les soirées « Inédits » reviennent à Paris ! Ces lectures publiques permettent de mettre en avant les textes lauréats de l’Aide à la création de textes dramatiques – Artcena, et les nouveaux talents des étudiants en écoles d’art dramatique.
The Pôle Supérieur d’Enseignement Artistique Paris — Boulogne-Billancourt (PSPBB) is developing an artistic and educational project that emphasises the complementary nature of its training courses, paving the way for an outstanding professional career in a rich cultural landscape.
The courses offered lead to a Master’s degree in Improvisation and Musical Creation (RNCP level 7), and a Master’s degree in Analysis and Creation (RNCP level 7).
Find out all the latest news from our drama graduates alumni.
The PSPBB/ ESAD is one of twelve drama schools in France preparing students for the acting profession. It qualifies students for the National Higher Professional Diploma in Acting (Diplôme national supérieur professionnel de comédien – DNSPC) and the State Diploma for Drama Teachers (Diplôme d'État de professeur de théâtre). It also offers training for the State Diploma as a theater teacher.
During their studies, students receive comprehensive professional training, alternating between fundamentals, theoretical classes, thematic workshops and creative workshops:
Are you looking for a PSPBB/ESAD (Pôle supérieur d’enseignement artistique Paris – Boulogne-Billancourt / École Supérieure d'Art Dramatique) student?
The PSPBB/ESAD is located on the Forum des Halles site in Paris.
In each of the fields available, the DNSPM (National Higher Professional Diploma for Musicians) curriculum is built around individual and group lessons developing the fundamentals of high-level instrumental or vocal practice, plus disciplines linked to knowledge of the professional environment (workshops, courses, orchestral sessions, cross-disciplinary projects, etc.).