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Master’s degree in Improvisation and Musical Creation (RNCP level 7)


The Improvisation and Musical Creation specialisation in the Master’s degree of Arts, Musicology - Theories and Practices of Music track is of interest to instrumentalists with a DNSPM in instrumental performance who are not particularly interested in orchestral careers, as well as those with a DNSPM in Jazz and Improvised Music.

Master Improvisation et création musicale © Nicolas du Pasquier
© Nicolas du Pasquier

The idea is to invite top-class instrumentalists to create original formats so that they can be spotted by concert promoters, more and more of whom are interested in this type of innovative programming. 

“Classical” musicians indeed have every chance of being solicited if they propose programmes where they are associated with dancers, actors or circus artists, if they are able to improvise in varied aesthetics, compose on a sequence of cinematic images, participate in the creation of sound installations, and adapt to a diverse public.

The course is provided by the Paris 8 Vincennes — Saint-Denis University, in partnership with the PSPBB.

Classes are held at the PSPBB (at the CRR in Boulogne-Billancourt) and at the Paris 8 University.

The Master’s degree in Improvisation and Musical Creation (RNCP level 7) is awarded by Paris 8 Vincennes — Saint-Denis University.