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- Apprenticeship tax
The apprenticeship tax enables beneficiary institutions such as the PSPBB to finance apprenticeships and courses.
You have until 4 October 2024 to make your payment of the balance of the apprenticeship tax in favour of the PSPBB by logging into your account on SOLTéA.
Payments are made according to two allocation periods:
The apprenticeship tax enables beneficiary institutions such as the PSPBB to finance apprenticeships and courses.
This tax is payable by any organisation with an institution in France subject to income tax (bénéfices industriels et commerciaux - BIC) or corporate tax (IS), regardless of its status:
The amount is calculated on the basis of remuneration paid in year N-1.
Since 2019, a fraction of this tax (13% balance) has been earmarked for discharging expenses, to contribute to the development of full-time technological and vocational courses and professional integration.
In other words, companies are free to choose the training organisation to which they wish to pay this balance.
The PSPBB is one of the beneficiary institutions entitled to receive it.
Note that the balance of the apprenticeship tax is not due in Alsace-Moselle.
The more the PSPBB is designated as a beneficiary of the apprenticeship tax, the more financial resources it will have to maintain and develop its activities:
Family, friend, business relations? Spread the word — let others know!
Le PSPBB a besoin de chacun pour renforcer son budget et développer son activité.
The PSPBB needs everyone’s help to boost its budget and develop its activities.
Please help us by taking simple actions:
Spread the word to companies you know, so that they can designate the PSPBB as a beneficiary.
Share our publications on the apprenticeship tax on our social media :
Designating the PSPBB as the beneficiary of your apprenticeship tax means:
Help us train today the artists who will be on stage tomorrow.
Thank you for your support!
Are you in charge of an organisation? Make your choice in just a few steps:
1. Declare the balance of the apprenticeship tax online via the DSN (Déclaration Sociale Nominative).
2. Choose where to allocate your balance: choose PSPBB!
Since 2023, all apprenticeship tax formalities have been handled by the SOLTéA platform set up by the Caisse des dépôts et consignations (CDC), which will transfer your payment to the PSPBB.
To log on to SOLTéA for the first time, you need to log on to the platform to obtain your SOLTéA platform login details.
A search engine enables you to find the institutions authorised to collect the balance of the apprenticeship tax.
If you have any questions, please contact: | +33 (0)1 40 55 59 56
You can also find more information on the SOLTéA platform:
A big thank you to all the organisations — companies, associations, etc. — who have decided to pay their apprenticeship tax to the PSPBB. The PSPBB is grateful for their help and, thanks to them, can continue to develop its educational offer and support its students, their projects and their future!