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28 March 2023
The graduated actress from the ESAD releases her first album
Le Printemps des RévoltésCollective writing: Compagnie À La SourcePerformance by: Sabrine Ben Njima, Eva Blanchard, Thomas Christin, Julien Lopez, Adrien ZumthorDirected by: Sabrine Ben Njima
Nos jardinsText: Amine AdjinaDirected by: Amine Adjina and Émilie PrévosteauCast: Mélisande Dorvault, Manon Hugny, and Gauthier Wahl
14 March 2023
Text and direction: Elsa GranatPlaywriting: Laure GrisingerWith Antony Cochin, Elsa Granat, Clara Guipont, Laurent Huon, Mahaut Leconte, Hélène Rencurel
7 March 2023
See the list of applicants admitted to the second round for the 2023 DNSPC entrance exam.
6 March 2023
Text: William Pellier (Espaces 34 Editions)
10 January 2023
Do not miss the opening of online pre-applications for the State Diploma for Drama Teachers entrance exam which will take place on Tuesday 17 January at 10:00 a.m.
9 January 2023
After being part of the final selection of the ’Prémisses Auteurs 2021’ with her first play Temps de Vie, Mahaut Leconte was selected by Théâtre Ouvert to participate in August 2022 in the Surface de Réparation author workshop.
Written and directed by Guillaume Barbot, performed by Zoon Besse.Ages 14 and over
30 November 2022
Meet two graduates of the ESAD in Fanny de Chaillé’s play, Une autre histoire du théâtre, at Chaillot – Théâtre national de la danse.
18 November 2022
A podcast that features the voices of various actors and actresses of the Ecole Supérieure d’Art Dramatique de Paris. From the testimonies of the students to those of the teaching staff, a map of the ESAD takes shape, with what is done there.
4 October 2022
Can you be virile if you’re a woman? What does it mean to be a woman? What does ‘being masculine’ mean as a woman? Why would one want to behave like a man? What values, what virtues lie behind? What influence does the gaze of the other have in the construction of our identity?
3 October 2022
Le FirmamentDirected by Chloé DabertText by Lucy KirkwoodFrom 29 September to 8 October 2022LE CENTQUATRE – PARIS
26 September 2022
A new academic year at the ESAD
23 September 2022
Please read carefully: the entrance exam has been modiffied.
20 July 2022
Les résultats définitifs sont disponible ici.
28 June 2022
RDV du 7 au 29 juillet au festival OFF d’Avignon pour applaudir notre ancienne étudiante : Sarah Glond, promotion 2013 de l’ESAD, dans la pièce de Stanislas Cotton : Le Complexe de Robinson.
22 June 2022
29 juin > 1er juillet 2022 au Théâtre de la TempêteNous voilà lancés avec une belle bande de bandits (les élèves de deuxième année de l’ESAD) dans une vaste Constellation Viripaev.