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Angie Mercier, class of 2019, performs in 'Grognement de la voie' lactée at Théâtre de la Tempête


Text: Bonn Park
Translation: Laurent Muhleisen
Directed by: Paul Moulin, Maïa Sandoz
With Matthieu Carle, Jeanne Godard, Angie Mercier, Fabien Rasplus, Quentin Rivet, Christelle Simonin, Marie Razafindrakoto alternating with Mélissa Zehner, Paolo Sandoz

, updated on
Thursday 2 January 2025
Angie mercier, promotion 2019, joue dans le Grognement de la voie lactée au théâtre de la tempête
©ThéâtredelaCité – Photo : Erik Damiano

From 3 to 23 June 2023
Cartoucherie – Théâtre de la Tempête – Route du Champ de Manœuvre 75012 Paris
From 8 to 22 euros

The world is going down the drain at breakneck speed. It is time to pull ourselves together! It starts like this, with a command, from a tiny little alien, here to warn us, irresponsible Earthlings, incapable as we are of living up to what we have produced. Without any warning, Kim Jong-Un appears. He wants to reunite the two Koreas, believing that this will remedy the suffering in the world. Then here comes Donald Trump trying to get rid at all costs of his colossal fortune… 

In this delirious, interstellar fable, one scene follows another, each more baroque than the last one, dark and bright, punctuated by songs from Nirvana or K-pop. Written by Bonn Park, a young German-Korean author, the characters in this gigantic utopian fantasy are pop culture heroes, straight out of our contemporary mythology. Each has found the solution to save the planet and humanity. To tackle this unfiltered writing, in touch with the global catastrophe, Maïa Sandoz and Paul Moulin have surrounded themselves with group of 7 actors with explosive energy and humour.


Théâtre de L’Argument and Théâtre de la Cité – CDN Toulouse Occitanie in co-production with Théâtre des Deux Rives – Charenton-le-Pont, with the support of the Ministry of Culture, the Val-de-Marne departmental council, with the support of the city of Paris in co-production with Théâtre de la Tempête. Théâtre de l’Argument is sponsored by the DRAC Ile-de-France – Ministry of Culture and the Val-de-Marne department.
