After passing the entrance exam, students proceed to registration with the administration of PSPBB in September.
This registration is valid for one academic year and must be renewed annually.
Meanwhile, students perform the same process with his/her home university.
MUSIC students must make their choice of courses with their academic advisor or teaching coordinator. This choice is made in September for DNSPM 1 in June for future DNSPM 2 and 3. The counselors and coordinators inform students of registration dates by email. The same approach will be made by the university according to information supplied.
Created in the fall of 2012, the Student Pole is the association of PSPBB students (French Law 1901).
A place of exchange and crossroad between students of Music, Theater and Dance, the Student Pole division has four tasks:
Créé à l’automne 2012, le Pôle Étudiant est l’association des étudiants du PSPBB (loi 1901).
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Facebook : ‘Pôle étudiant – PSPBB’
Crous is a privileged partner of your studies and student life. Its main tasks are handling student meals, student housing, management of grants and social assistance. Moreover, the Crous offers aid to student cultural projects, job and internship offers, sports facilities and personalized support to foreign students.
CROUS de Paris
39, avenue Georges Bernanos – 75005 PARIS
+33 (0)1 40 51 36 00 / 36 12
Scholarships based on social criteria relate to students less than 28 years by October 1 for a first request, based on criteria of resources and family expenses. The award is annual and must be renewed every year between January 15th and April 30th, by internet, on the site
The scholarship award entitles, beginning from level 0, exemption from tuition fees for PSPBB and the universities, as well as the costs of student social security. Only competition expenses and those related to SIUMPPS the health service are required, even for scholarship students.
Attention: If you are a foreign national, you must fulfill certain conditions > visit CNOUS.
Application must be completed and deposited in September.
As a priority you should check with student services at your university. For non-registered student for a Licence: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
To help improve the living conditions of students by allowing them to absorb some of the costs associated with their studies and their autonomy outlet, the Sorbonne University offers a complementary scholarship to scholarship students enrolling for the first time in a Sorbonne University establishment of three levels Licence 1, 2 and 3 combined.
Demand non-automatic and places are limited.
Application must be deposited between October 1st and December 31st.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fees for student social security is set at 213 euros for the academic year 2014-2015.
Once you are registered with PSPBB, you must be affiliated with student social security and choose student health insurance. You are entitled to a refund of your care in case of illness or maternity for the duration of the academic year.
Affiliate terms to student social security vary with age during the academic year (October 1st to September 30th of the following year) and the profession of the parent (father or mother) of which you are the beneficiary.
Affiliate terms to student social security vary with the age of the student during the academic year and occupation of the parent on which it depends.
Upon completion of administrative enrollment with the university or with PSPBB, as applicable, you must register with student insurance.
> Students have a prioritized affiliation to student social security from the partner university on which it depends.
In this case, a certificate of payment from the university is required, to be presented at the administrative registration at PSPBB in order to be exempted from payment of the insurance fees.
> Students not enrolled in the university (validated Licence or for other reasons), and who are only pursuing courses with PSPBB for the academic year, are affiliated to Social Security through PSPBB. File application on site at the time of administrative registration in September.
Note: Although commonly referred to as "mutual" health insurance for students, these organizations which are responsible for managing compulsory health insurance for students are called student social security.
You can choose between one of the following mutual health insurance plans:
The student health insurance chosen at the time of enrollment will manage your medical file and refund your healthcare. For any questions, please contact them directly.
Once registered with a student health insurance, affiliation to the student social security is effective as of October 1st of the current year to September 30th of the following year.
It allows you to receive a refund of your healthcare in case of illness or maternity for the duration of the academic year.
In case of accident or illness, as a student, you have accident insurance - Occupational accidents (AT-MP). This insurance covers you for accidents occurring:
For the Sorbonne University, improving the living conditions of students begins with an effective consideration of their health needs. With the establishment of the Inter-University Department of Preventive Medicine and Health Promotion - SIUMPPS – this is coordinated and open to students of the Sorbonne University, as well as students from other institutions by convention.
The multidisciplinary team of SIUMPPS Sorbonne University: nurses, doctors, psychologists, social workers and administrators, welcomes students in a unique and resized space. Disability points are available to them in the form of personalized meetings and specific awareness campaigns.
The 5.10€ fee paid when you register for PSPBB gives you access to all SIUMPPS service for 1 year without limit and without supplement: access to health care, medical certificates, specialist consultations (diet and nutrition, sports medicine, etc.), disabilities, welcome and accompaniment, psychologist, occupational hazards, prevention, ...
> SIUMPPS - 15 rue de l'Ecole de Médecine, 75006 Paris, Escalier G (métro Odéon)
+33 (0)1 40 51 10 00
from monday to friday, 9h00-12h30 and 14h00-18h30.
Useful links: